Masked Awareness

Looks like masks are the new black!!  Health, community and de rigueur fashion have always been my forte, so not surprisingly, I joined the Mendocino Mask Makers Facebook group (which is led by some remarkable ladies on the south coast of Mendocino County). 

So,  like so many stitchers and costumers in the world right now, I have devoted a good chunk of my days to mask making. They are simple to construct, and provide an easy way for me to make a difference and remind my beloveds how very special they are to me!  

Here is a pdf for guidelines to safe face coverings, plus a few online patterns that I have found. I have experimented with a few, and adapted the pdf link below  to suit my cowgirl sewing style.

Maybe I’ll get to a “how to” eventually, but for now, I’ll keep making masks — think there are plenty of great options out there and my garden needs me too! 

Guidelines for Safe Use of Cloth Face Coverings

PDF of simple sewing pattern for mask making

Also, this youtube video has one of the patterns used most widely by stitchers here on the “south” north coast!

A few of my models!
