
Playing in LIFE and theater with Blake More is one of my life’s greatest blessings. For twenty years, Blake has catalyzed and inspired my co-creation with her of our Mendocino Coast’s legendary Dragons’ Breath Theatre. Blake’s juicy and globally-visionary muse abides in equipoise with her nuts and bolts on-point skill sets of stage craft, wordsmith magic and creative design. Being with Blake always puts a smile in my belly and makes my heart grow glad. If I could liquify her essence and put it in a bottle, I would spray Blake-essence all over the world and everyone would be singing their soul-songs and dancing in the light and bowing to the stars — Goddess smacked and grateful.
Fred Mitouer
Fred Mitouer
Called “The Hollywood A list’s favorite guru...a master.” by the New York Times, Fred Mitouer, Ph.D., is internationally known for his groundbreaking somatic therapy. He created Pacific School of Massage in 1978 and Transformational Bodywork in 1989. He has recently introduced Somatic Agency as the latest evolution of his work.
Blake is an igniter, a living spark in breathing human form. She channels what arises from the core depths of the collective experience, through her very own brand of fiery, gorgeous, raw passion...gifting this world something truly magical. Driven by compassion and her beautiful heart, Blake is a true support to all, guiding us to our own established root system withthe nature and mastery of a prolifically creative grounding rod. She holds energetic and physical space, intimate and tribal, like no other being I have ever witnessed. Divinely ecstatic! An inspiration to all who will open their hearts and feel what is to be felt.
Autumn Waters
Autumn Waters
Co-Founder and originator of Zambala Incense
Blake and I were brought together by what could appear as chance, but actually by magic as I felt instantly drawn to her. It was 'love at first sight' on a platonic level. Her high vibrational energy on my spirit felt like the warm rays of sunshine entering through a window. She connected with me in a way that brought (more) joy, harmony and high positive energy into my sphere. In the wonderful experiences we shared together over the ensuing several weeks, I witnessed first hand that Blake is an authentic human being who radiates her high vibrational energy to the people around her and indeed to the world.  Friends and indeed strangers who came into contact with her when we were together expressed to me that they could feel her energy as a palpable beam of radiating light.  As for myself I could not just feel it, but also be enveloped by it when I was with her. She gives herself selflessly and naturally as a guide, catalyst and creator.  She wears no masks and her very essence and wisdom highlight the road to truth and freedom.  With no hesitation I can vouch for Blake as a catalyst of change and up-leveling on a personal growth journey.  I, for one, am eternally grateful that our paths crossed and this powerhouse woman entered my life!
Penelope Mclean
Penelope Mclean
World Traveler and Private Chef
I've known Blake for nearly three decades. She is the most actualized artist, writer, and fountain of creativity I've ever had the pleasure to call my friend. A source of limitless energy, wisdom and love, she is a brilliant light who shows others their own light and encourages them to flash-forward into the world.
Geralyn Gendreau
Geralyn Gendreau
Geralyn Gendreau, LMFT, is a licensed psychotherapist and playful, soul-provoking life coach who loves to tackle the impossible. She is an author, editor, ghostwriter, and writing coach.
Woke doesn't begin to describe Blake's boundless energy, creativity, and positive spirit. But without a doubt, she is woke, inspiring, and very motivating.
Roya Rettberg
Roya Rettberg
On a lifelong journey to discover authenticity, personal truth, creative expression, and spiritual meaning in these very challenging times. Roya has had a long career in corporate HR building companies and coaching for leadership effectiveness. Originally from the Chicago area, Roya now lives in San Francisco's Noe Valley.
Agent Blake, my agent Blake ... Yes, seventeen years ago I met Blake in New Orleans. We were friends at first contact and whether I saw her every year or once in three or four years it mattered little because she entered my consciousness and is an active agent there. I’m so certain my life would be very different had we never met. I love the affect, the influence and am happy to be seeing more of her lately - Twice already in 2020. - How do I describe the affect? - expansion! - I’m always bigger; the world is always bigger.
Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones
Business owner, world traveler, balboa dancer, and lifelong meditator
How to begin? I have known the beloved Blake More since 2001! I feel like I've been watching a rosebud come into fullest of bloom. Her potential as teacher, healer, yogini and poet has been refined to a beautiful intensity of compassion and love. Her desires planted firmly in Mother Earth, always (joyfully and excitedly!!) seeking new ways to heal and lift the vibration of humanity and our precious planet. Whenever I have participated in a class or any communal gathering with Blake, her energy is brilliant and so much fun! She owns her power and follows her bliss with fearlessness and determination, creating her reality joyfully as she goes. What a wonderful person, right? Blake is a tremendous blessing for us all. I know that all who find there way to her will receive healing, joy and precious spiritual growth. It is time, Beloveds, to create our reality filled with peace, understanding and love.
Wendy Biswurm
Wendy is a student of life, a gardener, a spiritual seeker, and a teacher with many students.

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